Regional Directors of INLPF
They are responsible for different region, you can click on the
photo of the Regional Director of that region to send mail
for your questions.
Director of America

A. Leeds,
Steven Leeds, M.A. in both Counseling Psychology and Secondary
Education is a licensed NYS Mental Health Counselor and
certified Master Practitioner and Trainer of Neuro-Linguistic
Programming. Steven began studying NLP and Ericksonian
Hypnosis in 1981 with John Grinder, Richard Bandler, Robert
Dilts, Leslie Cameron Bandler and Virginia Satir. He has also
studied extensively with Stephen Gilligan and Jack Canfield.
Steven has designed and conducted NLP and Ericksonian Hypnosis
training in the United States and Europe. He conducted one of
the first NLP Certification Trainings in Switzerland.
Steven has been teaching NLP Practitioner, Master
Practitioner, Post Master Practitioner and Trainer Training as
well as the Ericksonian Hypnosis Certification Training since
1986. Steven is also authorized and endorsed by NLP
Comprehensive to conduct Core Transformation workshops
Steven is a founding member of the International Association
and is certified by the National Board of Certified Clinical
Hypnotherapists (NBCCH).
Director of Asia

Tommy Doo,
is one of the pioneers of the
industry in
training both for individual and corporate in Hong Kong, Macau
and China, having trained more than
20,000 organizational leaders.
a certified trainer of Neuro- Linguistic
is also a certified
Instructor of Hypnosis
and a certified
Trainer of NLP Coach.
He is the author of the best selling book
in Coaching".
work in the field of human potential
since 1998.
The extensive travels throughout
16 countries
4 continentals
help make his presentations stimulating and unique.
And he has its NLP Practitioner course included in the list of
Continuing Education Fund Reimbursable Courses in Hong Kong.
Before a course can be granted this funding, it has to be
thoroughly assessed by the Hong Kong Council for Academic
Accreditation on its training contents, qualifications and
experience of trainer so as to ensure quality.
Tommy believes that everyone has the resources to achieve
their desired dreams and everyone can be a genius in their
unique area of excellence.
Director of
Watson is an internationally recognised Master Trainer of NLP, master Coach and professional speaker with extensive expertise. He has worked in over thirty countries around the world, delivering NLP training programmes up to Trainer level, coach training programmes, corporate trainings, coaching assignments and keynote talks with audiences of up to 3000.
Ralph represents INLPF in Europe and around the world and welcomes enquiries regarding his high quality programmes.
Director of
One of the pioneers of NLP, Terry has lived and breathed NLP
for over thirty years, since its inception in the early
seventies. Terry introduced NLP to Australia in 1979 and is
the only Australian-based NLP trainer to study with
co-developers Richard Bandler and John Grinder for over a
decade along with Milton H. Erickson and Virginia Satir;
placing him in a uniquely qualified position.
Terry has trained thousands of individuals throughout the USA,
Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South East Asia, The Middle
East and the UK. He is author of "The Wild Days: NLP from
1972 to 1981" and "Happy Parents, Happy Kids" and
designer of advanced NLP software.
He has a masters degree in psychology, is a member of the
Australian Psychological Society, Marriage and Family
Counsellor, fellow with the International Association for
(IANLP), a licensed master trainer and founder of the
Australian Institute of NLP.
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